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Administrator Reports
Administrator Reports

Unlock the power of your data!

Updated over a week ago

The Reports dashboard provides a high-level summary of data collected in Collaboratory and serves as a starting point for deeper exploration of that data.

Activities are the central unit of analysis in Collaboratory and are the foundation of Collaboratory’s reports.

Accessing Reports

Administrator Reports are accessed via the left-hand navigation pane. Any user with an Administrator role has access to Collaboratory's Administrator reports. Under your institution's menu, select "Reports".

NOTE: Collaboratory reports are updated every 5 minutes. If an activity has recently been created or edited, it will pull into reports within 5 minutes.

Using Reports

Collaboratory's administrator reports are organized on one centralized dashboard, making it simple to aggregate, see, and slice-and-dice data on institutional community engagement and public service.

REMEMBER: You can customize the colors of your reports to ensure they match your institutional branding guidelines. Learn how.

Each tile is a preview of a full report. Clicking on any tile will open the report in a pop-up window.

Filtering Data

Collaboratory's reports allow administrators to set filters to quickly and easily pull relevant data for specific needs. The following filters can be applied to your Collaboratory reports:

  • Date period

  • Activity state (published/unpublished)

  • Course connection

  • Institutional unit(s)

  • Program/initiatives

  • Focus areas

  • Location

Select "Filters" to open the filter menu.

Filters are stackable, but note that filters are always going to reduce the number of results that appear in your reports. As you set filters, they will appear below the filter menu and can easily be removed individually or by selecting "Reset" at the top of the menu. Once you set your desired filters, select "Apply" to update the Reporting Dashboard.

Filter Criteria

Date Filter

Updating the date filter will return data corresponding to Activities that have a start date or end date that falls within that date range.

NOTE: By default, the date filter is set to reflect a start date from the beginning of the current academic year. Collaboratory's default academic year begins July 1st.

  • Activities will be included in the report if either its start or end date falls within the specified date range. This covers activities that either started or ended during the date range.

  • Activities that are marked as ongoing by their start date falling within or before the range and lacking an end date are included. The key here is the inclusion of any activity that begins by the end of the range and does not specifically end, signifying it could still be active.

  • Some activities have incomplete date details. In these cases:

    • If an activity has a start date but no end date, and the start date is on or before the start of your date range, the activity is considered ongoing or unfinished and is included. This logic uses a "less than or equal to" comparison for the start date relative to the start of the range.

    • Activities with neither a start date nor an end date are always included in the results, ensuring that even those pending scheduling or in a draft state are not excluded.

Activity State Filter

Use the Activity State filter to limit results to data only from Published or Unpublished activities.

Course Filter

Updating the Activity Course Connection filter will return data corresponding to activities that are connected to a course.

Unit Filter

Use the Unit filter to filter a report for data related to activities of a specific unit or group of units. You can type the name of the unit(s) to search for it in the list, or select "All" to view the full list.

NOTE: The unit filter reflects your unit reporting hierarchy.

So for example, if you want to send a unit report to the dean in the College of Education, selecting "College of Education" in the Unit filter will automatically include results from all of the units that report up to it.

Programs/Initiatives Filter

Updating the Programs/Initiatives filter will return data corresponding to activities that are connected to a specific Program/Initiative or group of Programs/Initiatives. You can type the name of the Program/Initiative(s) to search for it in the list, or select "All" to view the full list.

Focus Areas Filter

Use the Focus Areas filter to filter activities addressing a particular focus or set of foci. You can type the name of the focus area(s) to search for it in the list, or select "All" to view the full list.

Location Filter

Collaboratory's Location Filter allows administrators to generate a report on activities within a certain radius of a specific address. Type the address into the Location filter box, and select the correct result from the dropdown list. You can then update the search radius from that address to limit results to a certain geographical proximity (e.g., within one mile of campus).

Drilling into Data Tiles

After applying any desired filters and updating your Reports dashboard, you will see each tile, which is a preview of a full report. Clicking on any tile will open the report in a pop-up window.

Selecting a bar or slice on an interactive chart enables administrators to drill further into the data. Many charts have multi-level drill down capabilities, where clicking into a bar will reveal further data. Administrators can navigate back to previous levels of the chart by using the breadcrumb trail.

As administrators interact with the chart, the data table below will update to reflect the data accordingly. In the table view, data is split across 6 separate tabs, which parallels the activity entry format. Data included in each table view will initially differ based on the report. Some tiles provide activity data, while others provide faculty/staff data, community organization data, or unit data.

Pivoting Data in Select Tiles

Within certain data tiles, administrators can pivot their data through the lenses of activities, faculty/staff, courses, community organizations, units, and programs and initiatives. Pivot tables are available in the following data tiles:

  • Populations

  • Focus Areas

  • Units

  • Student Learning Objectives

  • Pedagogies

After clicking into any of the tiles listed above, data is initially presented through the lens of activities. For example, when clicking into the Populations data tile, administrators will first see how many activities their campus is engaging in with certain populations. In the example, below, there are 9 activities engaging Rural communities. The table beneath the bar graph provides additional information about those specific 9 activities engaging rural communities.

Selecting any of the pivot options automatically updates the data to center the it through the lens of the selected pivot. In the example below, the data has been pivoted to position community organizations as the unit of analysis and Administrators can see the campus is engaging 9 community organizations in their work with rural communities. The data table below the bar graph also updates to provide additional information about those 9 community organizations.

Downloading Data Tables and Images

Data presented in any reporting table and image can be downloaded to assist with presentations, internal reports, external communications, etc. Data in tables can be downloaded in csv, xlsx, json, html, and xml formats. Images can be downloaded in jpg or png formats.

REMEMBER: You can customize the colors of your reports to ensure they match your institutional branding guidelines. Learn how.

Download Table Data

  1. Apply any desired filters to your reports dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the identified data table and click into the tile to expand the tile pop-out.

  3. Select the format in the dropdown at the top right corner of the table.

  4. Select the "Download filtered data" link to initiate the download.

Once you initiate a data download you may navigate away from the page - an email will be sent when the file is ready. You can also check the status of the download in the download manager.

Download Images

Both the tile snapshot images within the reports dashboard and the full chart images within each expanded tile can be downloaded to assist with marketing, data sharing, and reporting efforts.

To download a tile snapshot image, first apply any desired filters to your reports dashboard. Navigate to the identified tile and select the gray image download icon in the bottom left corner. Choose to download the image as either a png or jpg.

To download a full chart image, first apply any desired filters to your reports dashboard. Click into the desired tile to expand the tile pop-out. Pivot the data through the necessary lens (if applicable). Navigate to the bottom-right of the image and choose to download it as either a png or jpg.

Checking the Status of a Data Download

You can check the status of a data download or access a previous file via the Download Manager. Access Collaboratory's Export feature by selecting "Downloads" at the top of the filter menu.

The Download Manager provides status updates on any report download, and provides a history, allowing Admins to download the file directly at a later date.

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