January, 21, 2021
General Improvements (bug fixes and enhancements)
Improvements to data export load times
Inclusion of community organization external IDs to community organization data export
Addition of CSVs with summary data counts on chart views
Updated dashboards, charts, tables, and exports to reflect enrolled vs. participating student counts
Fixed csv download in community organization dashboard report
Minor refinements and updates to the Activity view
Better handle large numbers of faculty/staff partners in the Select modal on Step 2 by focusing on the use of search
Update the clarity and accessibility of the trashcan icon applied to Step 2 and Step 4 in the Activity form
Invited faculty/staff partners can claim their invitation on the Activity view
Denied and pending community organization partners are no longer displayed under Collaborators
Update the clarity of the submission status indicators
Provide status indicators next to collaborating partner organizations under Step 2 on the Activity form
ADA refinements to the activity view/nav header
Improve the phone input field behavior on Step 1 of the Activity form
Courses / Sections
Allow course codes to be created using only one letter
Improve curricular participation information provided for each section connected to a specific activity
Allow faculty and staff to edit course section information
Improve the course code search behavior on the Course create form
Expand name to 120 characters
Improve table record highlighting behavior and consistency